Friday, April 22, 2011

A Very Good Friday

I love coming home to my parent's farm in Winfield. There a few things however that make this trip more awesome than the past few times I've come: Driving up here with my sister, picking up our niece and nephew in Lacombe, getting here before the sun went down, and waking up the next morning to find that it is only Friday.


A weird family tradition that we have for Easter was started by cousin Joel. He had always wanted to sleep under the table, apparently, and when he came to visit one Easter weekend he convinced our parents that it was family tradition to go to sleep under the table, and when you woke up in the morning there would be eggs to find everywhere! ... Even though he wasn't being truthful, the notion has stuck!

So I know that this post is laterish in the day, but I have enjoyed being around my family and I'm sure you all have as well. But forgiveness "is exactly how this grace thing works." and I am ever glad for the celebration of that ;)

With such a fantastic start the weekend can only get better! I hope all of you enjoy wherever you are right now, and that your traditions for this holiday are as wonderful as you remember them. Tonight there will be children sleeping under the table in this house :)

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