Monday, March 14, 2011

Music Mondays

My friend, Amanda, has a way with words.
She just sent me a simple text and all it said was:

"God, I love music."

I couldn't agree more.

Last week I introduced you to Laura Jansen, and I'm dying to share more music with all of you, dear readers and dear sister, but I am afraid of filling these blogging days with too much music, and alienating the music haters in our readership (are there any??).

In order to keep things interesting and resist the temptation to turn this "Sister's" blog into a "Music" blog, we have agreed that we are only allowed to post music on Mondays. A sister doesn't HAVE to post music on Mondays, but if one of us has music to share, it can only be shared on Mondays.

Good rule? Feedback? Comments? Suggestions?
Please let us know what you think in the comments below.

On the first occurrence of Music Mondays on our blog, I'm privileged to introduce you all to

I just about missed this show, but I'm so glad I attended on a whim.
Their French-Folky sound is mesmerizing and I love the fulfilling sound of the cello in so many of the songs.


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