Monday, May 23, 2011

Music Monday - No Reason to Get Excited

.... just kidding.
There's every reason to get excited today.
It's Dad's birthday!!

Sisters & Such recognizes that Dad shares his birthday with a lot of very important people (including his twin brother, and first born son), and while we love all the people who's birthday is today, sometimes Dad just needs a little attention.

I love my dad, but sometimes I wonder how we're related when:
1) I love Oodle Noodle. Dad hates Oodle Noodle.
2) I laugh out loud at Modern Family. Dad falls asleep if it's on.
3) Dad is really good a driving a tractor. I'd really rather not bother.

But then I totally see the resemblance when we:
2) Hike through the Rockies for days at a time
3) Work on home renovation projects.... although our choice of tools may differ

We're similar
But we're different.

Kinda like...

cover songs.

The same - but different

And, Dad, if I you and I were cover songs, we'd be
All Along The Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix
Dave Matthews

On your birthday, I'm excited that we had a chance to celebrate together.
You're an awesome dad - and yes, you're a stud.

*stud finders are highly unreliable pieces of equipment - the above is a demonstration of how to calibrate the finder before use... Dad = stud.

Our next 2-cent review comes from our friend Manda, who was quoted in our very first Music Monday post and makes us laugh.... always

Like seriously, admitting I'm a musical snob for good reason would seem like the easy choice.

I mean, to be quoted?
Obviously I'm THAT good.

But I'm also oh so humble (in all my glory).

So my favourite post is Wedding Win
Why? It really demonstrates the power of the internet.

How you can take a couple and make me believe they are real.
And make me think they are the coolest people.
And make me want to do my wedding the same way.
Only to realize this couple is fake.
The embarrassment I felt was REAL.
The heartbreak was REAL.
Sisters who toy with emotions? Unbelievable!
But seriously...the lesson learned from all of this? I need to watch more TV.......


  1. WHAT a contrast between those two arrangements! Love you and thanks for the great birthday party, Mama

  2. OH HEY!

    What a lovely little feature-wall/art-display you've built. Can't wait to see it in person - say...this weekend?

    (and Happy Birthday Uncle Neil!)


  3. Yes! Emma! You have to come put the finishing touches on it.
    Can't wait to see you :)

  4. This is Neil using Barbara's account:
    Thanks Babe. Very clever post. Notice absence of hype-type flashing lights in Hendrix clip compared to Matthews. Not required for Jimi - all those and more in his head! Ah, nothing like the genuine article. :)
