1. Check the clothes: An article of clothing may look spectacular but there is a reason it only costs $5.00. Make sure all the zippers work, there are no missing buttons, and no unfortunate stains.
2. Try things on: Even though the pants are in your size you will never wear them if you can't bend over.
3. Be patient: For every great find there are 10 bad ones. Take your time, and enjoy.
4. Select wisely: The clothes in thrift stores are inexpensive but the prices add up if you come away with a huge pile. Make your choices, and make the best ones.
Now I speak for the both of us when I say that you have reason to be shocked if you hear of us buying a pair of jeans over $40.00. (Actually Ailen just bought a really expensive pair of jeans and I was really shocked. But she was in an awkward position so I let that purchase slide). Shoes, on the other hand, SHOES are a different story. In the midst of the shopping we would do with our mother, she always told us that if we found a pair of shoes that we loved and that fit, we should buy them. No question. So along with our inability to justify buying expensive clothing, my sister and I have carried into our adult life the value of great shoes. No question.
Lastly I think that my sister and I growing up on a farm, in the middle of nowhere, was perhaps the best thing to have happened for our current fashion sense. We didn't buy from high end stores as a family so we had to make up our own style instead of going with the fad of the day...
And judging from these two comparative past-present photos, we always had a flare for style, and we will always be farm girls.

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