The only problem was that I didn't know where I was supposed to go! I was aware that many fascinating sights bordered the Thames River, but where? I took my time trying to dissect the 'Tube' map, before I purchased my ticket. The only catch there? They don't put significant tourist sites on the underground subway maps! The teller suggested that I head up to Piccadilly and simply get an all day transit pass. I took his advice.
When I FINALLY got off at the Piccadilly station I saw these kinds of things:
I had no idea what I was looking at but found it lovely nonetheless. But I wanted to see the river. So I started walking south towards the Thames not knowing what streets would best take me there, or if I was headed the right way at all.
I came across this park:
...with this Narnia lantern:
And then suddenly, on the other side of this park, I found this golden gate:
I knew then that I had hit the jackpot! So I bought a hot chocolate and set myself to admiring Buckingham Palace:
Continuing from there I came across some other interesting sights:
But as I said, I wanted to see the river. I started to get nervous about not being back at the airport on time. I was all alone, without a reliable clock, and ready to give up when I came across a bridge over the Thames that presented me with this:
So that was fun! And from this bridge, I was able to see this:
Time well spent I'd say! But I am about to board a plane for Bombay, and I am running out of battery!
I only have one more thing to say, EVERYONE dresses well in London! So much colour, and texture, even the men simply look fabulous! But out of ALL of the options this girl was my favorite!