So this is a place for my sister and I to start on our journey towards design.
A.K. Clothesline is a concept my sister and I have developed for our life-long clothing & accessory business. The "A" is for my sister, Ailen, and the "K" is for myself, Kelsey. At this time Ailen has no idea that I have created this blog, and for the moment it shall stay that way. For now I will entertain you on my own.
So here's a bit of backstory for you. My sister and I have only recently become friends. Circumstances surrounding that include a drastic age difference and therefore two completely different demographics for most of our lives.
Can you guess who is older and by how many years?
One of the ways my sister and I started to get to know each other as adults was through talking about fashion. We would call each other quickly throughout the day to talk about a new design idea, or exchange a cool image we had come across on Google that day.
Typically we both would come up with design ideas, and I would sketch something up. Ailen has said that this is because she doesn't have any artistic abilities, but my friends I would beg to differ. In recent months Ailen has found great artistic inspiration in the creation of jewelery. It has been an honor for me to witness this shift of attitude from unsure and timid, to confident and bold in my sister's view of her own great talent.
As it stands I am the creator of clothing, and my sister is the creator of accessories.
I hope you enjoy our adventure.